Philips Intera 1.5 T

Philips Intera 1.5 T

Philips Intera 1.5T gives you the image quality, patient comfort and range of clinical applications you need to expand your business, plus the ease of use and high throughput that will help you handle that new business. And now, Intera 1.5T features SmartExam*. An intelligent approach to MR, SmartExam is a huge step forward in simplifying the MR exam, providing fully automated planning, scanning and processing with a single mouse click. The results?

» Reproducible scan quality with any patient position, any operator, any day
» 30% increase in operator efficiency.

Product Description



Designed to save you money and boost your profitability from day one, the Intera 1.5T comes equipped with the features you need to speed throughput across the whole range of clinical applications.


Scan Tools clinical imaging software provides power, speed and performance in routine clinical imaging, and includes anatomy-specific packages to enhance speed and quality in all application areas.

Additonal optional software packages enable expansion into advanced MR applications like multi-station imaging (e.g. total spine imaging, or peripheral angiography), multiphase cardiac imaging and breast imaging. SENSE parallel imaging technology is standard in all applications, making scanning faster and dramatically increasing image resolution in standard scan times.

ExamCards offer complete clinical studies, selectable with a single touch, to shorten exam set up time and reduce training requirements.The FreeWave multi-channel platform – 4,6 or 8 channels – speeds up imaging and improves resolution, providing exactly the right level of power for your clinical and business needs.

Intera’s high-performance Integrated Body coil provides excellent uniformity with superb SNR over a full 53 cm x 53 cm field of view. In fact, Intera’s SNR is 1.7x that of competitor systems*. This enables scanning of patients without additional body coils, for faster setup, and increased patient comfort and compliance.


An Experience to

The Intera 1.5T provides an enjoyable scanning experience for both you and your patients.

For you: Thanks to SENSE and ExamCards, you’ll benefit from simple, rapid operation that optimizes ease of use and patient throughput. And Intera’s software delivers a host of workflow enhancing features, including:

SmartExam: drives the complete clinical examination automatically, resulting in shorter scans, consistent clinical results and greater efficiency.

NetForum: Philips online MR community, providing a host of web-enabled capabilities, including direct download of ExamCards to scanners.

Wide-screen console: Intera’s new 23″ wide-screen console offers better viewing of results with greater data transfer capabilities.


Business Needs

Intera 1.5T offers flexibility that makes it simple to choose exactly the right level of clinical power to match both your clinical and business requirements.


Flexibility in gradients

Intera’s new RF architecture combined with a choice of powerful gradients delivers optimum peak and slew rates with high linearity over a full 53 cm FOV – crucial for multi-station and off-center imaging.Intera’s gradients combine with SENSE for dramatic improvements in resolution and speed – essential for procedures like vascular, neuro and body imaging.


Flexibility in clinical imaging software

Choose between Scan Tools Plus and Scan Tools Pro software for the right level of imaging, viewing, processing and post-processing techniques for your practice. A range of optional clinical imaging software, coils and accessories is available, enabling you to offer specialist services in advanced applications areas like neuro fiber tracking and cardiac imaging.


Support that keeps you in touch with tomorrow

Throughout its operating life, Philips proven, robust, secure upgrade path ensures that your Intera 1.5T will have the very latest functionality, speed and reliability. Philips’ product development philosophy means that MR breakthroughs are migrated quickly across all Philips MR systems, bringing you immediate clinical benefits. The availability of ongoing upgrades extends the useful life of your MR system, as well as continually maximizing the return on your investment. And Philips service and support programs keep your system operating at peak efficiency.
The result? The perfect Intera for your business, from day one and way into the future.